Apertis is a free software project which is designed and developed in the open. The Apertis community is made up of both contributors who work to improve Apertis and users.

Join the community

The best ways to get in touch with the community are through:

Contact the Apertis team

The Apertis team can be contacted by sending an email to contact@apertis.org. Unlike the links above, this email address is not public, only the Apertis team can read emails sent to this address.

Report issues

Apertis utilises issues on the Apertis issues GitLab repository as a bug tracking system. If you experience any misbehaviour please report the issue there, the Apertis development team will do their best to help you.

Report security issues

For security issues which requires discretion, you can either create a confidential issue in the Apertis issues repository or contact the Apertis Security team at security@apertis.org.

Remember that all contributors to Apertis are expected to treat others with respect.